ETERNITY BEFORE TIME BEGAN: (A brief look at the Pre-history fall of Lucifer and his angels)

In eternity before time, as we know it began, everything was perfect. There was only One will in all of the vastness of the universe...and that will was God's will. Perfect harmony was the only constant that filled all of space and eternity. There was no disunity only perfect peace and unbroken harmony. The perfection and order that is God's will, was like the perfect pitch of a tuning fork that makes everything becomes synchronized to its frequency. The Sovereignty of God was never questioned only obeyed by all of creation. God is the Master of all things and all that He had created to this point obey His every command (Word) without question or exception.
In God's created angelic realm, Lucifer was the crowning glory of His creative hand. He was the highest of all the angelic creatures that God created. All power outside of the Godhead had been given to him to exercise for the glory of God. He was the most beautiful creature that God had ever created...a true "angel of light" (Lucifer: means Light Bearer), the one who would lead (bring) ALL of heavens angels in praise and worship that was directed (given) to All Mighty God alone. His position and power were second only to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Lucifer was an angelic prophet of God. He spoke to the angels the instructions, which God had given directly to him for all of God's angels under him to carry out. Great was Lucifer's authority and power in the heavens. God had entrusted Lucifer with so much.
Envy, Jealousy, and Pride that brought Satan's Rebellion:
Sometime in eternity before history began, Lucifer became envious of the praise and worship that was meant for God alone. He wanted to be LIKE God and wanted to enjoy having all of the angels of heaven worship him like they worshiped God their Creator. Now for the first time, there were two wills in the universe. The perfect will of God and Lucifer’s selfish will.
We do not know how long it took Satan to turn the loyalty of one third of the angels in heaven to his side, but there was a great war that broke out in the universe (heavens). Satan and his angels on one side and God and His holy angels on the other. Satan and his angels were kicked out of heaven and banished (exiled) to live outside of the light of God's presence, to reside in the darkness of exclusion from God. Satan was the prince of this earth long before man ever set foot upon it. The Bible does not list in detail what went on during this great war (struggle) that ousted Satan and his evil angels from their previous heavenly positions of power, but God turned out the lights on Satan, all was darkness in his world. We do not know how long Satan and his angels remained in utter darkness, the record does not tell us; it could have been millions or even billions of years, we simply do not know.
Then something happened, God decided to create once again; something new was about to happen. Oh how all of heaven must have rejoiced. Even Satan must have rejoiced when he heard God say, "Let there be Light". However, where would God start His new work of creation? What would God create?
In the beginning...God created the heavens and the earth:
The new thing that God created was the heavens and the earth. From a cold shapeless mass of chaos God created the world, we call home, earth. All of the beauty we see in the mountains and on the prairies in the oceans and even the deserts God created. His final crowning glory for this new world was man, whom He created in His own image. God made man a little lower than the angels and sent him forth to have dominion over all the creatures of the fields, the birds of the heaven and the fish in the sea. Man was given a free will (a choice to obey or disobey God) to be able to serve God with loving admiration from his heart. God could have created man as some mindless robot programmed to utter nice little phrases and do tricks like a dog that rolls over for a treat. However, God wanted man to be able to make the choice to love Him of his own free will.
We all know how the story goes Adam's wife Eve ate the forbidden fruit and then gave some to her husband. The fall of man occurs, and now there were three wills in the universe...God's will, Satan's will and man's will. For the first time the perfect communion ( sinless-relationship) that Adam and Eve had experienced with God had been broken. Sin had caused separation in the relationship between God and man. Death had entered God's perfect world. Because of Adam and Eve's disobedience, man would never be the same. Sin had touched paradise and death was the cost that must be paid by all of us for our first parent’s disobedience.
However, God never abandoned his creation, man. He had a plan for restoring the broken relationship that SIN had caused. God's plan of salvation was first revealed in Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring; He will bruise and tread your head underfoot, and you will lie in wait and bruise His heel" (the Amplified Bible). God's plan was to save the human race from SIN by sending us His REDEEMER, the Messiah, the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Now if you are Satan and God has just declared that He is going to be sending the ultimate SAVIOUR for mankind (His only begotten Son), the One who is going to defeat you and your evil minions, what would you do?
Next up, HUMAN GENETIC PURITY-Satanic Impurity:(Pollution of the complete human race-bloodline-to try to stop One birth) Feb. 22, 2018