X-FILES INTRODUCTION: The Sons Of God (b'nai Elohim) who were they?

Ask your Christian friends if they believe that the sons of God; angels, (b'nai Elohim) came down to earth and engage in sexual activity with the daughters of men (human females) as recorded in the Bible in Genesis 6:1-4? Ask them if they know why Satan's angels did such an evil thing, and what resulted from these human sexual encounters with the third kind? Could angels and humans having sex really have produced super-human hybrid children? (Giants: full of wickedness and depravity)
Asking the BIG "Q".......What If ?
You will need to put on your pit hat, grab your whip and chair, and get ready for a very spirited debate on this subject to say the least. It will be surprising the reaction by most Christians to these questions designed to stimulate our minds and make us think the whole "X" Files/Alien U.F.O thing through. What if there is a link between the Nephilim of Genesis 6 and the Alien U.F.O activity we are experiencing today? What if the two are somehow interrelated? What if this entire strange phenomenon is nothing more than a concentrated effort by Satan to try to deceive mankind at the end of the age just before Jesus Christ returns?
I will try to put these puzzling issues into focus and pull things into perspective as best that I can. Remember this not a deal breaker in our Christian faith. We can agree to disagree on this subject. This is merely an opinion that I hold which has helped me make sense out of a very puzzling matter in these ever changing times. Never forget, our faith must always be anchored in the solid rock, which is Jesus Christ. Nothing is more important than our having simple complete faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Without simple faith in Jesus Christ, nothing else matters. Its kind of like sending a rocket to the moon, weather you miss by 2 inches or 2000 miles it doesn't matter....the point is you've missed!!!
So, fasten your seat-belts, make sure that your table trays are secured, and that your seat-belts are in their upright positions, settle back as I hope to take you into an area where few Christians have dared to go before........ ( Next Week, Monday January 22, 2018: Eternity before time began:(A brief look at the Pre-history fall of Lucifer and his angels)