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Know the Signs of the Times


I can remember hearing the term, "It's a Sign of the Times, when I was a small boy. It was an expression that many older people (in the 50,s) used to describe their displeasure with the changing values of modern society. Most of us have heard this term used to acknowledge the shift in values that this world is continuously going through. It wasn't until becoming a Christian that I found out that Jesus Christ used this term in warning His disciples of what key sign(s) would take place just prior to His returning to earth for His 2nd Coming. In Matthew's Gospel (Chapter 24) Jesus spelled out the sign(s) of His return in 7 distinct and unmistakable key areas. We will examine each one of these key sign-categories as follows:

"The Seven Keys Signs of Jesus 2nd Coming"

1). Signs from Nature

2). Signs of Society

3). Spiritual Signs

4). World Political Signs

5). Technological Signs

6). The Accelerator Signs

7). The Sign of Israel's re-establishment (after being scattered for 2000 yrs).

Today is the most exciting time we could ever be living in. For all those who have placed their hope in Christ, their future is secure, and full of hope and expectation of His 2nd Coming. But, unfortunately, for the mass majority of this world who have rejected Christ's offer of peace their life is unstable and full of fear about what the future holds for them. Jesus told His disciples not to be afraid, that He would be with them always "even until the end of the Age" or the world as we know it. His reason for telling His disciples the Sign(s) of His 2nd Coming was to let them know before these events unfolded what was to take place, so that when these events that He foretold started to come true they would know that God is controlling the events not random chance.

We will all be called to give an account for what we "Did" and "Didn't Do", with the knowledge God has given us through His word the Bible. There is no fear for all those who have willingly bowed their knee now to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in loving obedience to His commands. I pray that as you read this you will be open to following Jesus Christ so that you can be confident in His saving grace and power alone in these tough days that are coming upon this world. We don't need to fear our future, Jesus said: "I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE", we need only to place our hope squarely in Him alone and nothing else.

#1-Signs of Nature:

1). FAMINES: Today like never before there have been rashes of famines upon the earth which have killed millions. The unstable climate conditions have caused much of the famine we see today. The more that natural disasters come upon the earth the more shortages of vital food stocks will be felt. Jesus foretold this in Matthew 24:7 as well as Mark 13:8 and Luke 21:11.

2). Earthquakes: There is rarely a week that goes by that we don't hear on the news of another earthquake that has hit with devastating force killing many thousands either directly of from the aftermath of disease and starvation. These earthquakes seem to be scattered all over the world in various places. Huge tidal waves sometimes follow an earthquake if it takes place off shore in the ocean.

3). Plagues: Who would have thought that in our age of great medical advancement and scientific breakthroughs that we would be witnessing viral strains of flu that we haven't the means of treating with conventional vaccines or antibiotics. Now we are being warned by the worlds leading scientists to brace ourselves for the Avian Flu (bird flu) estimates are in the hundreds of millions of casualties worldwide if a pandemic should break out, and a supply of vaccine is minimal. The pandemic scare is real and the developed nations don't seem to have a plan for confronting a possible outbreak.

4). Signs from Heaven: All around us are the direct signs from the heavens that are effecting our world today (Unusual weather patterns-hurricans-typhons- blizzards-drought). New discoveries in space-U.F.O's-Faces on Mars-Nasa exploration.

All of these signs in themselves should be enough to convince us that Jesus Christ is at the door and ready to return very soon.

#2-Signs of Society

Matthew 24:12, 37-39 & 2Timothy 3:1-4

1). Lawlessness: Never before in human history have we encountered lawlessness like we do today. Not just the lack of trust or respect for the laws of our land, but the lack of respect for the laws found in God's word (the 10 Commandments). Society today lives in ignorance of God's Law's for the most part and does not wish to be held accountable for it's actions. Children show little or no respect for their parents or adults in general. Most parents find that they can't control their children. Our governments are becoming more and more corrupt. There doesn't seem to be anyone in control of society. Like a run away train, society seems to be coming off the tracks with little hope for those who desperately need a firm and guiding hand. There will be no true peace until Christ Jesus returns and sets up His throne and rules the nations.

2). Violence: More people are being killed today than any other time in recorded history. The news media reports terrible crimes of violence every day that would have shocked people just 50 years ago. We seem to be numb to what is going on around us. The majority of people say that they don't feel safe even in their own homes. Traveling to a foreign country especially for western tourists can prove to be a life threatening experience rather than the dreamed of trip of a lifetime. The militant Islamic states have waged an all out war of terror on the western nations and Israel. Iran has stated that it wants to see "Israel removed from the earth". The U.S. has its hands full with her involvement in Iraq, and has become like Gulliver tied down and unable to move by the "little people". With the Islamic terrorist's determined efforts to weaken America and her allies influence in the Middle East, and their support of the State of Israel, it’s only a matter of time before the U.S. will back down and not be a world power anymore.

3). Immorality: Every form of Immorality thinkable has found more acceptance in the last few decades. Things that were considered to be repugnant to society only a few short years ago are now considered to be normal. Homosexuality is becoming acceptable, gay marriage is now a constitutional right in many countries throughout the world. Black has become white and white is black in our modern society. Immorality has touched almost every segment of life with impunity. Child pornography is an escalating crime that is found worldwide today. Jesus said that society would become just as it was in the days of Noah, just before God destroyed the world by flood.

4). Greed: More is better and we want it all right now. Gambling and lottery tickets are all the rage, you can become an instant millionaire. Most people live by the W.I.I.F.M. (What's In It For Me!!!) philosophy. Many wars have been fought over the greed that is in men’s hearts, oil is one of the biggest greed commodities of the 21st century. Stock market speculation, arms dealing, drug companies raking in obscene profits while turning our nation into addicts from prescription drugs. All of this points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

5). Selfishness: People have been programmed by psychology to live by the "ME FIRST" philosophy- because we have been told we are worth it. Now selfishness has been repackage as ambition and is applauded even by many in the Church. Most of the seminars Churches host today are not teaching their members how they need to "GIVE THEMSELVES AWAY", but rather how to pull down their own selfish ambitions and desires from heaven as if God were some kind of "PERSONAL GENIE or SANTA CLAUS" Who is at our every beck and call. I have even heard non-believers say that they can't see very much difference between a Christian or non-Christian, both seem to be just as focused on making MONEY and having the GOOD LIFE as the other does. How sad that selfishness has been busy swallowing up both the Christian and the non-Christian. Mankind for the most part truly is "lovers of themselves" today.

6). Hedonism: Old pagan religions are making a huge come back today. Satanism and all of the black arts are in vogue. Psychic advise and daily horoscopes are in every major newspaper, all the rage on talk shows, and in most tabloids (1-800 phone lines to psychic’s are common). Harry Potter is even being shown in some Christian Churches and presented as a harmless children’s story. When are we going to wake-up and strengthen the things that remain?

7). Rebellion: People of all ages are becoming more and more rebellious towards authority of any kind. No on wants to take responsible for their actions. We are told that "It's not our fault.......... we were born that way". Drug Addiction, Drunkenness, Vandalism, Violence and even some Sexual Behaviors are all a direct result of rebelliousness and Sin. Everyone is looking for a cure for their addictions, but not by doing what God says to do. Twelve Step Recovery Groups are springing up everywhere you look today, and many Churches have welcomed them to their lists of programs offered to their members. They have groups for just about everything imaginable- "Soon they will have Bed Wetter's and Nose Picker's Anonymous". People don't need 12 Steps, they just need 1 step, to bow their knee to Jesus Christ and start doing what Jesus said for them to do. The 12 Step programs never came to Bill Wilson by God's inspiration, he got them by practicing automatic writing which is a method used by the occult to contact the dead for enlightenment and knowledge (demons that impersonate someone who is dead). Yet few Churches and (Ministers of the Gospel) have ever taken the time to research AA to find out for themselves just where and how Bill .W. got the 12 Steps that have lead many to put their faith in his plan over God's plan for salvation.

8). Despair: Today depression that leads to despair is the greatest cause of mental illness in the world. People have to a great degree placed themselves in a position of hopelessness by refusing to listen too and follow God's plan for their lives. The numbers of mental illnesses that have been labeled "common to man" have exploded exponentially from about 20 to over 1000 in less than 75 years. Boxcars full of prescription drugs are taken by people in North America that are sick with feelings of hopelessness today. But all the drugs in the world would cure their ills, only Christ has the answers they need that will give them peace of heart.

# 3- Spiritual Signs:

Negative Signs

1). False Christ's & Prophets and other cultic groups: (Matthew 24:5, 11, 2-4; Mark 13:6, 21-22 and Luke 21:8). Today like never before in human history the Church has come under attack from many false Christ's and Prophets and their cultic groups. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormon’s, Scientology, Eastern Mysticism, the New Age believers, is but a few of the many groups that are obvious cults trying to capture the minds of people. But there are some devilish teachings that are less obvious at work in the Christian Church itself. Psychology has captured the hearts of more professing Christians than anything else. Psychology has usurped the power of the Holy Spirit in most Churches. Now people quote their favorite Christian- Psychologist's advise over the advice of Jesus or the apostle Paul found in the Bible.

2). Apostasy in the professing Church: (2 Thessalonians 2:3; and 2 Timothy 3:5, 4:3-4). Today the pseudo-science of psychology has bewitched many Christians (Colossians 2: 8-10). Now we are told to listen to the advise of Dr. James Dobson (Notice how Dobson is always introduced as "Psychologist and Author" not Christian) and others of his ilk over the words and advise of Jesus Christ Himself. Psychology has slithered its way past many ministers of the gospel who only a few short decades ago would have "cut the head of psychology off" at the door to protect their flocks from the foolishness of these so called learned men and women of this poisonous pseudo-science. Now the Church has invited the teachers of psychology into the Church and we've welcomed them with open arms in fellowship, and even paid them large sums of money to hold seminars and spread their psycho-babble, books and tapes to the starving sheep they are supposed to be feeding and protecting from these wolves.

3). Widespread heresy in the Church: (2 Timothy 4:1-4). So many heresies have entered the Church that its hard to no where to start. The number one heresy is the denial of the Deity of Jesus Christ and His all sufficiency, especially His completed sacrifice on the Cross, and the power of His blood alone to cleanse us from sin. The largest Christian cult in the world continues to sacrifice Christ in the mass every day in a bloodless ceremony that is heresy in and of itself. The Empty Cross is as important as the Empty Tomb. The Roman Church has done more to populate Hell than any other form of religious practice, sending millions if not billions to their eternal doom believing that they were saved by the churches power. Even the Christian Church has embraced heresy to a great degree in some of it's teachings like "once saved always saved" and "cheap grace” are but a few. Even teaching on the Holy Spirit has been turned into a three ringed circus by many. Extra Biblical revelation is embraced by many before stopping to test it against God's word the Bible to see if it is really true or false.

4). Movement towards a one world religion: (Revelation 17). Over the last 50 years the Ecumenical Movement of the Roman Catholic Church has been steadily growing in it's influence to try and help unite churches of all different faiths from Baptist's to Pentecostal’s to even Mormon’s (Dr. James Dodson is a well known Roman Catholic Ecumenicism who calls Mormon’s his brothers in Christ) and Buddhist’s. The Roman Catholic Church has even recognized the Islamic Koran as a holy book with the pope kissing a copy of it. What started as a Roman Catholic movement designed to bring all the churches of the world under one big umbrella of unity (and back to faith in the Roman Catholic Church) has only succeeded in blurring the lines between what is truth and heresy. Now we have some who have accepted Rome's traditions and the doctrine of demons (the worship of: the Virgin Mary--Dead Saints--the Pope--the Eucharist and Mass etc). over sound doctrine in an effort to not offend anyone and for the cause of spiritual unity. But unity at what cost?

5). Persecution of true believers: (Matthew 24:9-10, Mark 13:9, 11-13; and Luke 21:12-19). Their are more true believers in Jesus Christ being persecuted and killed for Christ's sake today than at any other time in Church history. In many countries being a Christian will cost you your life, or at least being tortured and imprisoned for Christ's sake. The day is coming when the true Church worldwide will come under persecution from governments opposed to Christ and even from those that claim to be Christians in name only.

6). Outbreak of demonic and occult activity: (1Timothy 4:1). The falling away from the faith means that one has to have been in the faith first in order to be capable of falling away from it. People will stop taking the Bible literally in its meaning. They will open themselves up to demonic suggestion and become involved in occult practices--extra-biblical revelation is one of the ways the devil gets believers to step off of the solid ground of God's Word and cling to fables and myths that try to pass themselves off as truths. Demonic activity in the world and in the Church will increase. Today many strange things are being passed off as coming from the Holy Spirit (i.e. The Toronto Blessing-- Not all that went on at the Toronto Airport Vineyard Church back in the mid-90's was from God. A lot of what went on however was from God to be sure, but some of the just plain weird manifestations were definitely not from God. For example: People being turned into "Roaring Lions" as if under a hypnotic spell by the "Great Alfonso" and running around (marking) their territory like real male lions do......well that is just whacked! Many movies today are based on the occult, even T.V. shows are cashing in on this seemingly new craze (check out you local T.V guide and count the number of shows that deal with some aspect of the occult).

Positive Signs

1). Outpouring of the Holy Spirit: (Joel 2:28-29). What Jesus had promised to the Church was His Spirit. On the Day of Pentecost this promise came true for all who wish to follow Him. Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday, TODAY, and FOREVER (Hebrews 13:8).

2). Revival of David type Worship: (1 Chronicles 16:1-39, Psalm150; and Amos 9:11). The return to simple faith in Christ, the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. Faith in the promises of God found in the Bible. An acknowledgement of all that the Lord has done and can do for those who will call upon His name in Faith.

A return to more active forms of worship in the Congregation: Music, Dance, Out Stretched Arms in Praise, and more Messianic forms of expression.

3). Worldwide Evangelism: (Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10). Today there are more people being reached with the Gospel than at any other time in history. Television, radio, newspapers, books and vast missionary endeavors are quickly making Jesus promise that this Good News of the Kingdom would be preach throughout the whole world and then the end will come.

4). Understanding of Biblical Prophecy: (Daniel 12:4, 8-9). Many things that were once hidden in Scripture for future generations are now being understood and fulfilled right before our eyes (i.e.: Revelation9:16). China reported in the 1960's that it's army numbered over 200,000,000 men and women. Up until this point 30,000+ was considered a very large army, 200,000,000 would have seemed unthinkable even by top military annalists even as little as 100 years ago.

# 4- World Political Signs:

1). The Re-establishment of Israel: (Ezekiel 36:22-37:1-2, Zechariah 12:1-6, Matthew 24: 32-34, Mark 13:28-30, and Luke 21:29-31). There is nothing that points to Jesus return more than the Nation of Israel coming back together as a Nation once again in the Holy land. To watch what is going on with Israel is to be watching God's timepiece unfolding His plan. What was thought to be impossible by many was not with God-the Great God of Israel. On May 14/1948, Israel became a Nation in part of a two part declaration. The other part was completed on June 6/1967 when Israeli forces took control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. To many Jews and Christians this was when the "clock of the final prophesy" concerning Jesus (Yeshua's) soon return was fulfilled. And that the generation that saw Israel come back together would be alive to see Jesus return to set up His throne in Jerusalem (Where He will reign over the nations of the earth for 1000 years).

2). Arab hostility towards Israel: (Ezekiel 35:1-36:7). If an Arab leader wants to get elected to government office in his country, he doesn't need to promise peace to his people or better living conditions, only that he will destroy Israel. There is such a hatred for the Jewish people by the Arabs that it is understandable why Jesus said that there would be NO PEACE until He returns. The only thing that can unit the Arab nations is their hatred for Israel.

3). Russia as a menacing power towards Israel: (Ezekiel 38:1-39:16). Russia has the desire to have a warm water port for it's Naval fleet. Israel would be perfect for this application. One day soon Russia will come down as the king of the north to make war with Israel.

4). The Asian nations capable of fielding an army of 200 million: (Revelation 9:15-16 and 16:12). As incredible as it may sound the Asian Nations could easily field an army of 200 million today.

5). Wars and rumors of Wars: (Matthew 24:6-7; Mark 13:7-8; and Luke 21:10). Peace seems to be a thing of the past, wars and talk of war is in every newspaper. Wars are killing more people today than ever before. 21st. century man has not learned in all of his enlightenment to be more humane to one another, only how to kill better and more destructively.

6). Kingdom against Kingdom (civil wars and ethnic wars): (Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8; and Luke 21:10). Civil wars are happening faster than one can keep track today. Unrest with governments is on the rise. Even in Canada we have a sick federal government run by men that show little remorse let alone repentance for what they have done to weaken the confidence of the Canadian people. There is always chirpings from Quebec of separation from Canada and even in the west separation is a topic around many rural kitchen tables.

7). The Reunification of Europe: (Daniel 2:41-44, 7:8, 24-25, and 9:26). We have watched Europe come back together in the last 15 years. The 10 nations are assembled in Europe and have formed a stronger Europe than what anyone would have thought possible 20 or 30 years prior. The euro has surpassed the America dollar as the preferred currency of choice when trading. All is set for the anti-Christ to step onto the world stage as leader. Rome will be his headquarters from which he shall rule the world.

8). The Movement towards a one world economy: (Revelation 18). After taking control of the shaken world nations and bring order back to play. The anti-Christ will institute a one world currency to match his one world order. It will be a time of great wealth for those that remain, left behind, for a short period of 42 months. Then the anti-Christ will turn on Israel and the world and usher in the greatest tribulation the world has ever known.

# 5- Technological Signs:

1). Nuclear weapons: (Matthew 24:22; Luke 21: 25-26; and Revelation 6:8, 8:7 and 16). The treat of nuclear war has never been greater. During the cold war the enemy was the Soviet Union and its soviet back countries. Now even the smaller nation process nuclear weapons of mass destruction (North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and India just to name a few).

2). Television and Satellite broadcasting: (Revelation 11:3-12). With our modern means of communications via satellite we can reach the entire world simultaneously. Now a one world leader could broadcast his message to the entire world by controlling the air waves.

3). Robotics: (Revelation 13:14-15). We have voice sensitive or activated computers today that answer to our commands. They can respond to our commands in our own language.

4). Computer and Laser technology: (Revelation 13:16-18). Micro-chip technology has allowed us to use satellite tracking to keep track of everything from our pets to shipping containers world wide. Soon humans will be encouraged to undergo the implanting of a micro-chip either in their right hand or forehead so that personal information can be stored without risk of theft.

5). High speed transportation: (Daniel 12:4). Only a little over a hundred years ago the horse and buggy were the standard means of transportation. Today we can circle to globe in less than 24 hrs in the fastest military aircraft, and in just over a day by jet airliner. Automobiles have opened up travel on a grand scale that has allowed the average person to travel in one day what use to take months by covered wagon. Our computers have put the knowledge of an entire library and more at our fingertips. Knowledge is expanding at an ever increasing rate. Even our youngest children know how to access the internet.

# 6-The Accelerator Sign(s):

1). Population explosion: (Revelation 9:15-16 and 16:12). The world’s population has exploded in the last 50 years. Now there are over 6 billion people on planet earth, about the same number as were alive at the time of Noah's and the Flood.

2). Increase in Knowledge: (Daniel 12:4). Today knowledge is doubling every 6 months. Our computers are outdated before they even hit the stores. We have seen more technicological advancement made in the last 100 years than any other time in history. From the Wright brothers first flight at Kitty Hawk to Neil Armstrong's moon walk in just 66 years.

3). Increase in Violence: (Matthew 24:12). Everywhere you look violence has increased beyond belief. Nothing is beyond the imagination of man. Whole nations have been brutalized by evil dictators. But the worst is yet to come during the time of world wide tribulation as brought on by the anti-Christ.

4). Increase in Transportation: (Daniel 12:4). Modern transportation allows us easy transportation anywhere in the world. One company’s motto is that they will "get it there by 9:00am the next day anywhere in the world. A car(s) for the average person is a standard piece of equipment. Land, sea, air, and space travel are all considered the norm today.

5). The Rapid Disintegration of Society: (1Timothy 3:1-4). The high speed of which society moves today has caused the disintegration of our world to a great degree. People are under a tremendous amount of stress from all sorts of different directions-stress on the job, stress at home, confrontations at work, at home and out in the main stream of society. The lack of faith in governments to uphold a decent moral standard. Drugs and alcohol abuse with teens. All this and more have brought our society to its knees.

6). Signs in General likened to "Birth Pains"--increasing in frequency and intensity as time begins to run out: (Matthew 24:8). Wars and rumors of wars, floods, earthquakes, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, false messiahs-spiritual leaders, all of these things are but the beginning of what is to come. Like a woman who is about to give birth, her birth pains are the main sign that tells us that she will soon be giving birth. There is nothing we can do to stop the process once it has begun, all we can do is look forward to the arrival of a new life. All those who have placed their faith squarely in Jesus Christ have the comfort of knowing that their "soon coming King is coming soon".

# 7- Signs of Israel: A quick review of the Scriptures listed below will clearly show that God has kept His promise to Israel and has not abandoned her.

1). Re-gathering of the people: (Isaiah 11:10-12; and Ezekiel 37:1-12).

2). Re-establishment of Israel as a State: (Isaiah 66:7-8; Zechariah 12:1-6; and Matthew 24:32-35).

3). Re-claiming of Israel's lands: (Isaiah 35:1-2,7 and Ezekiel 36:34-35).

4). Revival of the language: (Zephaniah 3:9).

5). Resurgence of Israel's military might: (Zechariah 12:6).

6). Re-focusing of world politics: (Zechariah 12:2-3).

7). Re-occupation of Jerusalem: (Zechariah 12:2-6).

In Conclusion: God is making His presence known to the world with 7 signs that are all really one sign that the the Lord Jesus Christ is at the DOOR!!!!!!!, at the very gates of heaven waiting for His Father to tap Him on the shoulder to go and get His bride (the true Church). Will you be ready and alert? Jesus said that He was coming as a thief in the night. A thief never phones ahead to warn you that he's about to break in and rob you. But Jesus did give us the sign(s) of His 2nd coming. Let’s not be found sleeping!

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