As I'm sure you already know, bullying in schools is a wide spread problem with millions of victims. A very high percentage of instances go unseen and unreported, making this a hidden danger. Unresolved bullying issues in adolescents have been identified at the core of many adult problems. Often bullying is directly responsible for behaviors in which children and young adults act out against others.
This elementary school assembly anti bullying program for Saskatchewan was created to provide an introduction to anti-bullying for both students and teachers. Saskatchewan schools may opt to present this anti bullying program as part of a kick-off drive on a year-long school-wide program, or as a culmination and synthesis of a program already in use. It serves well to either introduce students and teachers to common bullying concepts or to remind participants of the current issues.
During the 45 minute Saskatchewan anti-bullying program, eight routines are presented, each representing a specific issue in an anti-bullying campaign. Students watch, participate and learn some identifying facts that will help them define and recognize bullying in themselves and others. In addition, they will learn some solid and practical aids to help them overcome being a victim, encourage friendship and camaraderie with others and prevent bullying by others.
Each routine involves a specific magic trick and uses the trick to illustrate a specific point about bullying; thus each routine is coupled with a learning outcome about recognizing and preventing bullying.
This 45 minute assembly anti bullying program will not stop bullying at a school. But it is designed to open communication about bullying and present some solid practical advice to help prevent it.
It can be used as an opening or culminating fun activity for a school that has a regular consistent program in place. It can help reinforce behaviors, reward students for their efforts and prepare teachers for immersion in a larger program. It is best presented as a groundbreaking starting point for a school about to launch a new directive on anti-bullying, or as an incentive to rekindle open communication in an ongoing effort.